Tuesday, September 29, 2015

12 Thoughts While Looking for Halloween Costume

Halloween is coming…beware of offensive or just stupid costumes. Instead have a fun time judging those who produce/wear these costumes. Also thanks to HalloweenSpirit.com for providing me not only with the photo’s but a better insight into how bad costumes become a thing.

1.) How is this woman “Plus Size” and why does the man get to be overweight if the woman can’t be?

2.) Ok shouldn’t have clicked “Women’s Costumes”. Really it should have been labeled “characters from your childhood with added skirts”

3.) Because this is totally OK??

 4.) And because thigh gaps are so important we might Photoshop their vagina at points….eww

 5.) Oh and now we are just the checkered flag for a sporting event…who would wear this? I’m so confused…

 6.) How is this ok??  Not only is it sexist but it’s also blasphemous! Please I beg you…Never Dress Up as a “Flirty Nun”…just stay away from Nun Costumes in general.

 7.) Oh no I’ve moved on to the men’s section…

8.) Even more not ok… This actually makes me sick to my stomach. Great job Halloween Spirit.

9.) I’m so confused…. Who would wear this? Also why would they need to be male?

10.)Ok…if the Man dog was for men? Why is the Cat in heels also for men….why is either of them specifically for men. I could wear either…my friend John could wear either also. My confusion level is just so high now.

11.)  Because this isn’t offensive to older women…no it’s just fine…your grandma would totally approve.

 12.) AGAIN it is not ok to make fun of people. I know people don’t think that “Hillbillies”/”Rednecks” is derogatory but it can be when you use it like this. Thanks a lot for making fun of under educated poor people…

I was going to write more but I’m too tired to rant. There is so much wrong with Halloween. It makes me sad because it’s my favorite holiday but PLEASE think before you dress up in an offensive costume.


  1. I'm gonna dress up as a slutty nun for Halloween Riki and there's nothing you can do to stop me ;)

  2. That is surprising that super simple flag dress costs almost $35... can we just buy fabrics and sew it? Also, I would wear the dog costume even thou I am a female! That is unique and funny.
